Michael 'Woz' Worobec has been around in the South Park World, and since opening his new website South Park SQUA about a month ago, he has fast been becoming known as the next Juz. He has been making 3d pictures for a while now, and has began branching out into producing wicked 2D wallpapers, which we will feature in this gallery! If you wanna use it for your desktop, simply load up the picture and picture size of your choice, right click on the image and choose "Set as Wallpaper". Then Voila! You have a kickass South Park Wallpaper made by Woz amking your desktop look fashionable again :) hehe
Still haven't found the wallpaper that suits your desktop tastes? We reccommend you check out these other cool SP Wallpaper Sites:
SP Squa
Kenny's SP World