Alrighty then, here's a bunch of drawings of South Park Characters i've drawn. If you were wondering how they were drawn, here's what i do. I take a standard framegrab from beef-cake or the official site, and paste it into MS Paint. I'll then try to re-draw every shape in the picture nice and cleanly, and then when i'm finished, i'll shrink it and 'depixelise' it using PSP (3.0). I'll be drawing new pictures whenever I get the chance, and i'll see what i can do about making a tutorial soon. Feel free to use these to decorate your website however you wish, but it'd be nice if you could give credit to us for makin it. :) Well, here they are.
Manga Cartman goes bezerk! 
Kyle Broflovski 
Kenny as a Mobster 
Jimbo and Ned's Huntin & Killin
Pip throwing a Dodgeball
Death (Grim Reaper)
Stan Aiming to Shoot
Cartman Crying
Tooth Fairy Cartman
The Mole with his cigarette
Dr. Alphonse Mephesto
Ike 'Kick the Baby' Broflovski
An angry Mr Mackey
Wendy in her Chewbacca Costume
Fluffy the Pig Drinking Beer
Terrance and Phillip Laughing