This page is the gateway to channel #sweeet, which juz has allowed us to be a part of. The main intention of the room is to provide a place where South Park Fans have an open forum to talk about whatever they want. For those who have IRC clients like mIRC, point them to irc.stomped.com, port 6667, channel #sweeet. The chatroom has a full list of rules wihch we expect you to follow, which are listed below. Happy Chatting!
Channel Rules
1. Users with the @ symbol beside their name are channel operators, who have the power to remove troublemakers. Please respect them, they are there to help keep the channel fun for everybody.
2. Just Remember that the other users in the channel are real people just like you, so if you wouldn't say something offensive to their face, don't say it in the channel.
3. It is generally considered rude to type EVERYTHING IN CAPS! It is considered to be the same as yelling, and generally won't make you too popular with the other chat users!
4. Starting trouble/flaming other users is bad, m'kay. It will usually result in you being kicked from the channel.
5. I will stress this, this is a general South Park chatroom. This doesn't mean your restricted to south park, you can talk about anything you want, But this is NOT an AOL teen chatroom. Shouting 'a/s/l' or '15/m's PM me' etc.. will usually result in an operator kicking you from the channel.
6. Don't flood or spam the channel. This behaviour will immediately result in an operator kicking you from the channel, and if you persist, being banned from entering #sweeet.
7. Asking a channel operator if you can be opped or voiced is extremely rude, and will result in a kick, and a possible ban from the channel.
8. Don't be an idiot, simple as that.
9. The Operators always have the last say
10. Most importantly, BE NICE! :)

Justin Trevena (@juz)
Carolyn (@KaLola)
Steven (@stevo)
Eric Hynds (@Duffless)
David McDaniel (@Tactic)
Jason Nugent (@MalHavoc)
Toe2toe (@toe)