Welcome to the Kenny's hall of Death South Park Webguide! As you know, there are literally thousands of South Park Websites and stuff on the internet, and alot of it simply isn't worth visiting. Well, we've been searching the net endlessly to find the very BEST of it! The best sites, the best newsletters, the best multimedia spots, and so on. So on this page, we present our guide to South Park on the Web!
Best South Park Website:
This site has everything South Park Related! It would be like the Simpsons Archive of South Park Sites! Massive episode guide, over 6000 screenshots and 4000 sounds, the first to bring you the big news on South Park, and great webmasters. The closest thing to being the Perfect SouthPark Site.
Others to check out:
The Hell Hole,
SP Central
Best South Park Art Website:
The Big one! The grand-daddy of 3D sites! Juz is famous for his fantastic South Park 3D wallpaper, which happen to find a nice place on alot of people's desktops, including mine! Plus there is some very nice 2D wallpaper, games, tutorials, and much more. Juz is THE MAN! :)
Others to check out:
The Mmmkay Archive (Al Johnson),
Best South Park Newsletter:
SP Booster Club
The official South Park Newsletter, and still probably the best. Part of Comedy Central's website, the Booster club is a twice-daily newsletter which will keep you in touch with the latest SP Info, and also answer people's questions which are displayed. A cool mailing list!
Others to check out:
TotalSP Newsletter
Best South Park Newsgroup:
This was a fairly obvious choice. This could pretty much be called the 'official' SP Newsgroup. Its one of the best places to share your opinions, ask questions, or anything else about South Park!
Best South Park Gaming Site:
This website is home to over 35 super cool South Park Games, made by the one and only Matt Crosta! Hardly any other game makers have matched their quality or productivity of their games.
Others to check out:
Nomad's Games,
Legions of SouthPark
Best South Park Chatroom:
#beefcake is the official Chatroom for beef-cake.com, and is located on the dal.net server, channel #beefcake. Your chance to Chat with other South Park fans and the beef-cake staff about anything you want to.
Others to check out:
#sweeet on irc.sweeet.com,
#southpark on etern.net
Best South Park Discussion Board:
Sweeet.talk is sweeet.com's message board, and by golly, it rocks! With plenty of forum categories to share your opinions on, a cool bunch of moderators, and Nicely presented. And best of all, they don't need to lure visitors with stupid competitions (unlike another site we know, cough-Thehellhole-Cough) because its already great.
Others to check out:
TSP Talk,
Beef-cake Board