This is the 5 minute uncensored short film that began it all. There was a previous Spirit of Christmas made a long time before this (1991, Jesus vs. Forsty), but it doesn't bare much similarity to this one. The Spirit of Christmas (Jesus vs. Santa) began in 1995 as a video Christmas Card on which matt and trey were given a $2000 budget to make with, and it soon Popped up on the Internet. It has never been shown on TV, but the people who had seen it were so impressed that Comedy Central offered them a contract to produce a series of 30 minute long animations, and South Park was Born. On this page, you we will provide more information on the animated short, plus your chance to download it for yourself.
Brief Synopsis
In the (ahem) true Spirit of Christmas, Jesus beams down to South Park and Demands a final battle with Santa Claus for the ownership of Christmas. After finding Santa Claus at the local mall, the fierce fight commences, and ends up killing a few people, including kenny. Brian Boitano visits South Park, and when the boys ask him whether they should help Santa or Jesus if a fight happened, and he told them that they shouldn't think of things that way, and that Christmas was a time to forget about the bad stuff. The Boys get their point through to santa and jesus, and they both make up and go off for orange smoothies!
Information Tidbits
-How Kenny Died and What he said: During the main part of the fight, Santa Claus throws a fireball at Jesus, but it misses him and hits Kenny! He is sent midair and he yells "Oh no! Aaaaah!" before hitting the statue
-Our Favourite Quote: "God Dammit, you stepped on my foot you Pigf*cker!" Reply: "Dude, don't say pigf*cker in front of Jesus!"
-In the Fierce battle between Jesus & Santa Claus, the Music in the Background is taken From the hit video game, Mortal Kombat 3.
-The 'Visit Santa!' stand that santa is sitting on in the town can also be seen in #110: Mr Hankey The Christmas Poo.
-Also, the little girl sitting on Santa's lap looks uncannily similar to Wendy Testaburger.
This is your chance to download a 7mb piece of South Park History! If you have plenty of Bandwidth to blow, and you want the full size original 50mb version, it is available from the distribution site at www.killfile.org/soxmas. The version that we offer on our site is the 7mb smaller version. Click the file below to start downloading. Happy Viewing!
Download Now! (7.1mb)