After Watching Kenny Die in the Current Episode, you have to think 'How will they Kill him next?' Here are a few sketches of how we think he should die, and who should kill him :) Well, so far, we only have a few of these here, so we need ideas! :) If you have a request for who and how you want to kill kenny, and if we use your idea, you'll get your name and email posted on this page :)
How Eric Cartman Killed Kenny
Eric Cartman is probably Kenny's closest friend in South Park, although that's not saying much, as cartman usually treats him like crap! Most Loyal South Park Fans remember back to episode 203: Chickenlover, where officer Barbrady assigned him as a police deputy to try and catch the Chicken F*cker. Of course, Cartman being Cartman, he abused the power of his position, and walked around the town beating everybody up with his night stick! Well, nearly 2 years after that episode, Cartman is reinstated as a cop, and re-starts his rampage! Unfortunately, Kenny is his first victim!

How Pikachu Killed Kenny
Requested by Tim Brown. Pikachu is the world's favorite Pokémon. Incase you don't know, Pokémon is a smash hit cartoon TV series from Japan (which sux0rs :). The Story revolves around Ash, who's goal is to collect these little, 'things'. Pikachu apparently uses electric power. So how would he kill kenny? He would predictably use his Lightning Move.

How Terrance and Phillip Killed Kenny
In South Park, Terrance and Phillip host their own TV show based around fart Jokes. Cartman, Kenny, Kyle and Stan's parents don't want their Kids watching their 'awful' show. So, with a pair of blokes who's life revolves around Farting, How else would they kill kenny but by both letting off an awful fart which would suffocate him?
