This bunch of South Park Websites are a special bunch. Some of the things these sites have in common are, they've all been around nearly since the start of the show, they has lots of fans in their day (and some of them even moreso now), none of them have 'sold out', and they are all great. Unfortunately, there aren't many new sites which can match the sheer quality of some of the older sites, and unfortunately, alot of these classics have either shut down, or stopped updating. Here is a list dedicated to showing the world the classic website dedications to South Park.
Burton's South Park Domain
This site ceased updates a while ago, but its one of my all time favourites, and i still visit it fairly often. There's so much stuff, I don't know where to start! Especially check out the Mr Garrison Files and Trivia sections.
Anybody who denies that this site is a classic, seriously, should seek therapy :) It all started out as Taison's South Park Site, which opened a week before the show first aired. Its now the Definitive South Park Multimedia archive, with episode sounds, scripts, framegrabs, plus a huge amount of information. Also the top site for the latest South Park news.
Park South [defunct]
This site, literally, captured the imagination of Hundreds of thousands of South Park Fans, and was recieving equal hits to thehellhole at one time. It shut down in early 1999 for various reasons, and was never seen again. It was one of my all time faves, There was lots of fun stuff, the design was cool, and it was a great source for South Park Info.
Mr Hat's Hellhole
This site has lost it's touch, no question about it. But going back 2 years, it was one of the phatest sites out there. Its sheer amount and quality of its content was its attention grabber, and was the favourite site of the fans. Its reputation now, however, it a bit tarnished.
South Park TV Network
This website has been around since the beginning, and for some reason has never gotten the recognition it deserved. The Amount of Features will simply blow you away, and its nearly all original. As soon as this site gets a domain, watch out, it will be huge!
South Park Spot
Another old site, and a cool one at that. The webmaster doesn't update it anymore, but it includes a big range of Quicktime movies, sounds, and other info. Included a cool 'this week in South Park' section, with the Site of the Week, Sound of the Week, Quote of the Week, and so on.
South Park News
This website is no longer updated, which is a bit sad :( One of the most originality packed sites ever, with the Bi-weekly newspaper, The original Insult Generator, The Bumpersticker association, and the Poofscape browser (a bit outdated though). Has been around nearly since SP Started