You have reached the Daily South Park Quiz page! Yep, incase you haven't guessed it already, each day we will post a new South Park Quiz Question for you to solve. All you have to do once you know the answer is fill in your Name, Answer and URL (if required) and click the submit button. For each day you answer a correct question, you will earn yourself 1 point on our leaderboard. Good Luck!
Today's Question
What were the names of Timmy's Mom and Dad? <1 point>
Previous Answer: Jaegermann s'more flavoured Schnapps (s'mores)
Think you know the answer?
Then what are ya waitin' for! Send and email with your name, your URL (if applicable), and your answer, to stevo@starkspond.com, and the results will be tallied on the following day. Remember, you must include your name, or there'll no way for us to tally your score!
The Leaderboard
1. Jesus
(36 pts)
2. KaLola
(36 pts)
3. Alex Kaiser
(30 pts)
4. Brian White
(24 pts)
5. Tom
(23 pts)
6. Amy Lagioia
(23 pts)
7. Erik
(22 pts)
8. Jeannine
(20 pts)
9. Scott Thorne
(11 pts)
10. Dave Retter
(11 pts)
11. Jason Ramsey
(9 pts)
12. Jeff
(9 pts)
13. FoOmAnChU
(9 pts)
14. Slim
(8 pts)
15. Jason Salat
(8 pts)
16. Michelle
(6 pts)
17. Tim Schmidt
(6 pts)
18. Gunzmaster
(6 pts)
19. David Qua
(5 pts)
20. Sprinkle Genie
(4 pts)
21. Matt Foley
(5 pts)
22. Richie Hamilton
(4 pts)
23. Nick Locke
(4 pts)
24. Lisa Bisa
(4 pts)
25. Sean Largey
(4 pts)
26. Diana
(4 pts)
27. Kenny20760
(4 pts)
28. Cassie
(3 pts)
29. Satan
(3 pts)
30. Jackie Noel
(3 pts)
31. Rainer
(3 pts)
32. Erica
(3 pts)
33. Josh
(3 pts)
34. Nolan
(2 pts)
35. Devin
(2 pts)
36. Carlos Galarce
(2 pts)
37. Vince B.
(2 pts)
38. Eric Reid
(1 pt)
39. David Pintur
(2 pts)
40. Car16
(2 pts)
41. FLamED
(2 pts)
42. Socko
(1 pt)
43. Nathaniel Adams
(1 pt)
44. [Jay]
(1 pt)
45. Mark Meisel
(1 pt)
46. omgtkk
(1 pt)
47. Sheila McCormick
(1 pt)
48. Mike Sigetti
(1 pt)
49. Glen Hempstock
(1 pt)
50. Timbit
(1 pt)
51. Sakari Pelkonen
(1 pt)
52. Aaron Bedack
(1 pt)
53. Patient B-5
(1 pt)
54. Gail
(1 pt)
55. Gaucelm de Villaret
(1 pt)
56. Cinema
(1 pt)
57. Jose Avila
(1 pt)
58. Kamikaze
(1 pt)
59. Charles
(1 pt)
60. BlackSaffir
(1 pt)
61. Tim Coston
(1 pt)
62. Millasur
(1 pt)
63. Kevin Bryant
(1 pt)
64. Michael Baracco
(1 pt)
65. John Egholm
(1 pt)
66. Graham Dixon
(1 pt)
67. Stephanie
(1 pt)
68. Aja
(1 pt)
69. IXpfah
(1 pt)
70. Boss Clare
(1 pt)
71. John Haglof
(1 pt)
72. Painkiller
(1 pt)
73. Hammon
(1 pt)
74. David Tucceri
(1 pt)
75. Rpd-sk8er
(1 pt)
76. Keo Lyons
(1 pt)
77. Crispin Bone
(1 pt)