This isn't really a section, more of a fan fiction that I wrote towards the end of last year. And judging from the time it took to write it, I WON'T be writing any more o' these for a while :) Just a warning, it contains explicit language, and a reference to 'stand by me'. :P Anyway, its titled Cartman's Pie Trouble, if ya wanna find out what its a-boot, read it! :)
Mr Garrison: Well children, today our friend Mr
hat is going to tell us all about World War II.
Isn't that right, Mr Hat?
Mr Hat: No, No, No! I do it every f*cking Day.
Give me a break for once, you f*cking Asshole!
Mr Hat: Fine, bitch. I mean um, That's right Mr
Garrison! The start World War II was marked by
the Nazi-ass invasion of Poland by the Nazi-assed
forces and it soon developed into a...
Cartman: Hey You Guys, i'm entering the South
Park Pie Eating Contest!
Stan: Dude, don't enter! Remember what an ass of
yourself you made in last year's one?
Cartman: Hey! That Clean-up guy came to STEAL MY
Kyle: No he didn't, fatass!
Stan: And Still, that doesn't give you the right
to Smash him with your chair! Cartman: Yes it
does, God Dammit!
Mr Garrison: Um, boys, are you paying attention?
Stan: Yes Mr Garrison
Mr Hat: You boys shut the F*ck up!
Mr Garrison: [shocked]: MR HAT!?!
Mr Hat: I'm serious! I'LL KILL YOU BITCHES if you
don't shut the hell up! I've HAD IT!
Boys: [shocked expression]
[Kenny zips up his hood]
Mr Garrison: Thats it, your going in the desk
drawer, Mr Hat.
Mr Hat: I'm warning you Garrison!
[Mr Garrison Shoves him in the drawer]
Mr Garrison: Okay, now where were we?
[The desk starts moving around and swearing is
heard from inside]
Mr Hat: Fuck, Shit, I'll Fucking kill you all!
[Mr Garrison grabs a students' desk and bashes
his desk with it furiously]
Mr Garrison: That should shut him up. So as you
can see on page 135...
[Mr Garrison's House]
Mr Garrison: Why the hell did you act like that
in class Mr Hat?
[Mr Hat doesn't answer]
Mr Garrison: Answer Me!
[No Answer]
Mr Garrison: Well that does it, you're going in
the dresser drawer again Mr Hat! You're not
coming to school with me tomorrow!
[Puts him in the Drawer]
[Next Morning]
Mr Garrison: Ohhh, what a dreadful sleep...
[Mr Garrison is about to walk out]
Mr Hat: [from the drawer] Let Me out of here...
I'm warning you garrison...
Mr Garrison: Aaah, shut the F*ck up Mr Hat!
[in class]
Mr Garrison: Continuing our topic
on world war II, the... [stops]
Mr Garrison: Um, where's Eric Cartman?
Kyle: We haven't seen him.
Stan: Yeah, where could he be?
Kenny: Mmph mmmmmph mmph mph mmph!
[class laughs]
Stan: Sick, Kenny!
Cartman: [walks in screen with smile on his face]
Cartman: Eric, where the hell have you been?
Kyle: And Why the hell are you so happy Hippo
Cartman: I'm in the Grand final for the annual
South Park Pie Eating Contest! I ate the most
pies out of everyone there in qualifying!
Kyle: Well, there's a Newsflash
Cartman: Um, Kyle, there's no hiding your
Jealousy, Kyle, there really isn't.
Stan: When's the final?
Cartman: Saturday. Tomorrow morning. Grand prize
is $10,000! If you asshole's don't show up there,
i'll kick you squa in the nuts and break your
F**king head open!
Kyle: Okay, dude, we'll be there! Gee!
Cartman: I thought so. If i win, i bet I'll get
all the Free pie I want!
Stan: Gee, like you really need all that pie,
Hippo Ass!
Kenny: Mmph! Cmrtmph mpf mmph fht, mmpph mppph
mmmph mmph mph!
[Class laughs]
Cartman: You Piece of Crap! I'll kill you!
[Cartman pulls out a little stick and hits
Mr Garrison: Eric, if you hit Kenny with that
stick again, You're going to Counsellor Mackey's
Cartman: [Sits down and hits kenny from his seat]
Mr Garrison: That's it Eric. Off to Mr Mackey's
Cartman: God Dammit! [eric walks out]
Mr Garrison: Anyway, Children, turn your
textbooks to page 108. Now the....
[The boys start whispering]
Stan: Did you hear what Fatass said? He could win
Kyle: But we all know what he'd spend it on if he
won, Cheesy poofs! And he'd be too fat to move
even after the contest!...
Stan: Yeah. For his own good, we have to stop him
from winning!
Kyle: But How? Oh wait, i have an idea! [whispers
to stan and kenny]
Stan: Cool!
[in Mr Mackey's office]
Mr Mackey: Okay Craig, we're here to get to the
root of your behavior problem, m'kay.
Craig: I don't have a behaviour problem.
Mr Mackey: Oh yes you do... no if you can't
accept that then you...
[Craig gives Mr Mackey the finger]
Mr Mackey: HEY, did you just flip me off?
Craig: No
[Mr Mackey puts his fists up in a fighting
[But then Craig kicks Mr Mackey in the Nuts and
walks away!]
Mr Mackey: Oh sh*t, M'kay!
Cartman walks in: Gee what happened Mr Mackey?
Mr Mackey: Oh, that little son-of-a-bitch Craig
kicked me, m'kay.
Nurse gollum walks past: Oh my god, i'd better
get you to my office, Mr Mackey!
[Nurse's office]
Nurse Gollum: Looks like you'll be fine, Mr
Mr Mackey: It still hurts though. Oh, eric, what
did Mr Garrison send you to me for this time?
Cartman: I whacked Kenny with a Stick 'cos he
called me Fat!
Mr Mackey: Well, what prompted him to call you
Cartman: Well, i made it to the grand final of
the SP Pie Eating Contest.
Mr Mackey: Oh DEAR GOD! I wouldn't go if I were
you, you'll be so fat afterwards that you'd fall
in the Grand Canyon and Get stuck, M'kay?
Cartman: WHAT? You son of a bitch, don't call me
Mr Mackey: I didnt, i said you'd be that fat if
you entered, m'kay?
[Cartman pulls out his little stick and starts
hitting Mr Mackey]
Mr Mackey: OW, OH, OWW, OW, M'Kay! Get me an
ambulance! M'kay!
[Garrison's House]
Mr Garrison: Okay, i'll let you out now [opens
Mr Hat: You... will... die... Garrison...
Mr Garrison: What?
Mr Hat: My whole life, all you ever did was shove
your hand up my ass and use me like some f*cking
puppet, but i have feelings too! And this is the
night I get my Revenge! HAHAHAHA!
[Mr Hat pulls out a knife fron under his hat and
swipes at Mr Garrison]
Mr Garrison: HOLY SHIT!!!
[Mr Garrison gets slashed by Mr Hat]
[Jimbo, his neighbour, comes over with his gun]
Uncle Jimbo: What are you doing you stupid
puppet? [Jimbo shoots and kills Mr Hat]
Mr Garrison: Noooo!
Jimbo: Lets get you to the Hospital Mr
Mr Garrison: MR HAATTTT!!!!!!!
[Stan's House]
[Stan, Kyle and Kenny are watching Terrance and
Phillip: Hey Terrance, what did the French
prostitute say to the English Prime Minister?
Terrance: I don't know Terrance, What?
Phillip: [Farts]
Both together: Hahahaha!
Kyle, Stan and Kenny: HAHAHA!
Stan: Dude, that was sweet!
Stan's Mom from other room: STANLEY! I told you
so many times not to watch terrance and phillip!
I'm warning you Stanley!
Stan: Okay, okay mom...
[Kyle flicks through the channels and end up on
The Channel 4 news]
Newsreader: And Extreme Pain and agony was felt
by a Denver man today as he got kicked in the
balls. More on that later
Newsreader: But in the meantime, Preparations
have begun for South Park's prime event, the
Annual South Park Pie Eating Final. Here with a
live report is a Little Drunk guy in a Chicken
Reporter: Thanks tom, it looks like the South
Park Pie Eating FinalContest is gonna be huge
this year, with an expected turnout of 100 people
from all across the state. Dozens of contestants
have been competing through the week, and they
have been narrowed down to 5 finalists. Here i am
right now with finalist #3, Eric Cartman.
Reporter: So Eric, what do you expect the outcome
to be?
Cartman: I will destroy all oppositionyaah! blahahah!
Reporter: Hey, weren't you that kid who beat up
the cleaner last year?
Cartman: 'ay! I'm not answering any more
questions! No Cameras!
[Cartman puts his hand over the the Camera]
[Hell's Pass Hospital]
Dr Doctor: You'll be fine Mr Garrison. It was
only a surface cut. We'll fix you up with a
bandaid and get you outta here.
Nurse: [from other room] Hurry Doctor, we've got
a decapitated patient in here...
Dr Doctor: Coming Nurse... [leaves room]
[Mr Garrison holds the old Hat of the now dead Mr
Hat starts Crying]
Mr Garrison: Oh Mr Hat... Why did you have to
die? Why?
[patient next door opens the curtain]
Mr Mackey: Uh, hi Mr Garrison, M'kay.
Mr Garrison: Mr Mackey?
Mr Mackey: Yuh, it's me, M'kay. That little
bastard Eric Assaulted me, m'kay. I heard about
you and Mr Hat...
Mr Garrison: *sniff*
Mr Mackey: Although it may not be much, i got you
a little something.
[Mr Mackey pulls out a little Mr Hat-like puppet
with an indian hat]
Mr Mackey: Uh, say hello to Mr Turban, M'kay!
Mr Garrison: Thank you Mr Mackey. But it will
never be the same as Mr Hat...
Mr Mackey: Sure it can!
Mr Garrison: Your... your right. [puts the puppet on his hand, and smiles]
[At the contest]
Mayor: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the 897th
annual South Park Pie Eat Grand Final!
[crowd applauds]
Mayor: Well, let's hand it over to the South Park
Pie Eat President, Jimbo Kearn!
Uncle Jimbo: Thank you, Mayor! As you know, the
Pie Eat is into it's 897th proud year.
Mayor: The winner of this year's pie eat will win
a years supply of Pies and $5000 courtesy of the
Burger King-Colorado milk merger : Colorado Milk
Drains the cow and Burger King Fries it!
Jimbo: Oh my god! How could they do that to our
beloved cows! Up yours Burger King-Milk Merger!
Mayor: Jimbo, please...
Jimbo: I won't be a part of this crap anymore!
[walks off the stage]
Mayor: So let's let's meet the grand final
Mayor: Finalist #1 is none other than the 1 and
only Fat abbott from Cill Bosby's famous TV
[crowd applauds]
Fat Abbott: HEEY HEEY HEEY! You're looking good
today, Mayor!
Mayor: I'm looking good today?
Fat Abbott: Yeah bitch! You look pretty crap now,
bitch hoe shit! Open you f*cking ears! Maybe
later you suck my dick! Glock Glock, know what
i'm saying mutha nigga hoe bitch!?
Mayor: You wanna start something dickhole?!?
[croud goes silent]
Mayor's Assistant #1: [whispers] Mayor, the contest!!
Mayor: Oh, alright. Uhh, lets move on to number 2... Mrs
Sheila Browflofski!
Sheila: Hello Mayor!
Mayor: Number 3 is an, er, chunky boy called Eric
Cartman: Thank you mayor, i would like to
dedicate my performance today to Mr Mackey, my
school counsellor who i hospitalized for calling
me FAT. HAHAHA! Let it be a lesson for all you
sons of bitches out there! And to my fellow
contestants, prepare for an ass whoopin'!
Mayor: Umm, Okay, and number 4 and 5 came all the
way from Canada to compete here, Terrance And
Phillip: Oh Terrance, Look at their stupid
american eyes! [farts]
[audience laugh]
Sheila: God Dammit mayor! What are they doing
Cartman: Shut up, Bitch! We're about to start!
Mayor: Pie eaters, Ready, set, GO!
[Cartman and Fat abbott are the only ones eating]
Terrance: [farts]
AND PHILLIP! [picks up chair and throws it at
T&P, just misses]
Kyle, from audience: Hey! I told her to throw her
chair at cartman! That was our Master Plan!
Stan: Dude, I think she hates terrance and
phillip so much that she was planning to throw
the chair at them the whole time!
Kyle: Dammit!
Fat Abbott: Dammit fuck bitch! I agree with da'
fat hoe, beady eye canadian faggot bitch shit steal maah showz ratings! No crackass faggot steal my ratings, bitch hoe shit! I'll pop your bitch ass!
[Fat Abbott and Kyles mom run across the stage
and start Bashing T&P]
[Cartman eats away. He is on to his 38th full
size pie. His stomach is bloating up hugely]
Mayor: 20 seconds to go!
[In a rush, Cartman stuffs 50 pies into his mouth
in about 10 seconds! He has just about tripled
his fatness. Then, a spooky noise rumbled. A
scary noise from cartman's gut. Then, he turns
towards the mayor and....]
[He pukes all over her]
Mayor: SHIT! You fat bitch! This was my ONE chance to look GOOD in front of the cameras!
Stan: DUDE, WEAK! [Stan start's spewing through
the audience]
[Then, the Mayor puked into the audience. Then,
everyone was spewing]
[10 minutes later, everything is covered with
Mayor on stage, covered in barf: Well, every
contest has a winner, and, unfortunately, that
winner is Eric Cartman. See if you can, get up
out of your seat to recieve this cheque for
[Cartman can't get up. Within 10 minutes, three
commanche helicopters were on the scene to lift
him up]
Fat Abbott: He He He, Damn hoe shit, you need to
lose some friggin weight!
Mayor: What would you like to Say...
Cartman: Arghh... NO... MORE.. PIE... aaah...
Mayor: Serves you right, you litle whore!
[Helicopters lift him away to take him to the
hospital for urgent liposuction]
[Hell's pass hospital]
[Doctors wheel Cartman down corridor with great
Mr Garrison: [watching from room] ohhh....
Mr Mackey: Oh, what's wrong Mr Garrison, M'kay?
Mr Garrison: It just isn't the same without Mr
[Mr Garrison picks up Mr Turban]
Mr Turban: Hi Mr Garrison!
Mr Garrison: Uh, Hi Mr Turban
Mr Turban: You know, i've learned something
today. Although we don't want it to happen,
people who we are close to can die sometimes, and
it can be horrible, but we have to move on,
because there's no way we can change the past,
and if we had the power to change the past, there'd be no point in life.. no challenges to overcome.
Mr Garrison: Your... your right.
[Mr Garrison picks up Mr Hat's red and white hat
and puts it on Mr Turban's head]
Mr Garrison: Cummon Mr Turban, let's go home.
Mr Turban: Okay. Hey, you can call me Mr Hat.
Mr Garrison: Okay... Mr Hat. Thank you. Ooh, what a wonderful day!
[The next morning, at the bus stop. Cartman is
back to normal]
Cartman: Aaarrgh!
Kyle: What's wrong? How did you lose all that
Cartman: Well, i dunno, they got these... proby
Kyle: Dude! Visitors!
Cartman: No, doctors, you piece of crap! And they
sucked all the fat outta me! IT COST ME ALL MY
Stan: Damn, That sucks dude!
[The bus arrives]
Miss Crabtree: C'mon! We're running late!
[Everyone gets on, except for kenny]
Kenny: Mmmph mphmmm mmph mmph!
Boys from in Bus: hehehe!
Miss Crabtree: WHAT DID YOU SAY?
Kenny: I shph, Mmmph mphmmm mmph mmph!
[The bird from Mrs Crabtree's hair Pecks kenny
and makes him Stumble in front of the Bus. Mrs
Crabtree then accelerates, running him over!]
Kyle: You bastards!
Cartman: You Bitch, You killed kenny!! I kick you
in the nuts! [He walks up the bus to Mrs
Miss Crabtree: SIT DOWN, KID!!!
[Cartman is flown back by her piercing voice]
Cartman: Oh jesus, Lady!
Stan: Well, i'm sure glad that whole Pie mess is
Cartman: Oh, don't forget! I get a years free
supply of pies!
Stan and Kyle together: SHIT!