This is our Non South Park Links Page. The following are all good pages on other topics besides South Park! But Please remember, Kenny's hall of Death is a South Park site, and we try to include links in this page that appeal to our average age group audience. What? You want Sesame Street links or something? :) Oh well. Enjoy these cool sites!
Last Exit to Springfield
- A very cool simpsons website, one of my first stops each day. Has plenty of images and fun contests.
Can't Get Enough Futurama
- Maintained by Jason from the now deceased AYNIF. In my opinion, it is the best futurama site out there! Features a Funky Design and lots of Futurama multimedia and info.
Evergreen Terrace
- Probably the Non-SP Site which I find myself visiting visiting the most. A massive bunch of stuff to go through, some cool character subsidaries, and its updated about 234,924 times a day =)
Nintendo Dolphin News
- Owned by #sweeet chat regular Richie. Features alot of news and information on the upcoming nintendo console.
.Net Magazine
- A kool UK internet mag, which we're lucky enough to get in our little Australian Newsagents. :p Features lots of internet stuff (duh), and help for beginners on HTML and stuff.
Cartoon Central
- A site which I reccommend to everybody out there! Socko creates some of the greatest Futurama, Family Guy, Duckman, South Park and Simpsons original 2D art around!
Brisbane Underground Networks
- The home of Local Area Network gaming in the Brisbane area. If your into LAN gaming, check this site out.
- A cool-sick-mad club run by a few friends of mine, which i've been forced to shamelessly plug. :) hehe. Mainly to do with bands like Nirvana, Hole and Live. Only proceed if you are a proud shmigglypuff. :)
The Simpsons Archive
- You'll find yourself having hours of fun flicking through countless extremely detailed Episode Capsules, bios, and much more. The Official site just doesn't compare... this is mother of all Fan Sites.
The Futurama Outlet
- One of the Top Futurama Sites in the world. the Layout is well-done and futuristic like it should be, and there is Content-a-plenty. If you like Futurama, you'll love this site!
Automatic Reflex
- A l33t band, made up of Andy, Dave and Casey (you could probably catch them in IRC channel irc.etern.net, channel #southpark). They are recording an album soon, keep an eye on the MTV charts for them very soon! :) hehe