There are probably a range of things that you don't know about South Park. Then again, maybe your a South Park Ultra-Fanatic and know almost every nook and crannie of the show. Anyhoo, this is the section where we'll explain some fairly unknown facts about South Park that we've collected. Also note that I also maintain a similar section at Totalsouthpark.com called 'SP Facts' which is slightly different, so none of us copied each other. Enjoy!
1. South Park is a real place!
The Region of South Park is located a while outside the city of Denver, Colorado. The Town that the show is based on is Fairplay, located in the South Park area.
2. And it has the highest rate p.p. of UFO sightings in the world!
Ya, more people have claimed to have seen Visitors in The region of South Park that anywhere else in the world! Now you know why you can spot visitors in certain episodes of South Park!
3. The SP Phenomenon started as a Video Christmas Card!
The Spirit of Christmas mas was a 5 minute short film made up by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, featuring a fierce fight between Jesus and Santa, which introduced Stan, Cartman, Kyle and Kenny to the world. It has never been shown on TV. For more info on it, and your chance to download a piece of SP History, please visit the Spirit of Xmas Page.
4. Matt and Trey had a hard time animating the peoples legs...
...so they added Permanent Snow to South Park! There has been only ever been one episode of SP without snow, and that was Episode 208 : Summer sucks!
5. South Park wasn't the first choice for the title.
It was originally going to be called 'The Mr Hankey Show' and would have starred the Happy Little turd that we all know as Mr Hankey. But Comedy Central persuaded them to concentrate on the 4 boys and the town featured in the Spirit of Xmas movie Instead!
6. Cartman's favourite snack wasn't always Cheesy Poofs...
Matt and trey could not get legal permission to use Cheetohs, so they had to choose a different name for Cartman's favourite snackfood! Their final choice ended up being 'Cheesy Poofs', and the name stuck! Similar to other snack foods in South park, they had slightly changed the name to avoid copyrighting trouble (eg. Veal Rollups)
7. Pip, the annoying British kid, isn't an object of Fiction
No, Pip is based on author Charles Dickens. Matt and Trey hate him!
8. Some of the characters are based on real people!
Kyle is based on Matt, while Stan is based on Trey. Cartman is the rubbish in Everyone's Soul, while Kenny isn't really based on anyone. Matt and Trey enjoy doing Cartman the most because as matt said, "Whetever you wanna say, Cartman gets to say it!" The Mayor of South Park was based on the Mayor of Fairplay, colorado, and Officer Barbrady is based on Fairplay's Police Chief. Also, Trey based Mr Mackey on his high scool counsellor who always tended to say 'Nkay'!
9. Manson and Hanson were set to team up on The SP album!
Yes, believe it or not, the mmmbop-ing 'Hanson Sisters' and Shock rocker Marilyn Manson were going to record a duet for the South Park album, until Manson Pulled out at the last second! He must be Genuinely scared of those hanson Boys!
10. Matt and Trey's first film offer was for Barney the Dinosaur!
Yep! They were both offered $1.5 Million US to direct the Barney the Dinosaur movie! Although they didn't accept it.
11. It all started with about 5000 bits of paper...
In the first few episodes of the show, around 5000 bits of paper were used and each movement was individually filmed! Now everything is done with computers!
12. Cartman's body can change shape!
Trey and matt haveto cut a bit from the Side of Cartman in order for him to fit under a school desk when necessary! eg. When the terrorists walk in to the Classroom in Episode #111: Tom's Rhinoplasty.
13. Matt & Trey were Sued by Ren and Stimpy's Creators
Indeed, They were unsucessfully sued by Nickelodeon, creators of Ren and Stimpy, accusing them of Stealing ideas. Of course, Now they don't think too highly of Ren and Stimpy. "Ren and Stimpy is Stupid", Matt said publically.
14. When they began SP, they were told it would never work
People told Matt and Trey that South Park would never work, so they took it to Comedy Central, who gave them a go. Millions and Millions of Dollars later, South Park is the highest rated original series in Network History!
15. In their spare time, Matt & Trey are in a band called DVDA
Not that they have much spare time, but DVDA's songs include 'I am Chewbacca' and 'F**k that Guy from the bush!' Each Year at the same time as the Sundance Fastival, Matt, Trey and the rest of the gang hold a big party bash called 'Lapdance!'
16. There've been heaps of DVDA references in South Park!
In Episode 212: Clubhouses, there were 2 girls who stayed in cartman's clubhouse, one of them wore a DVDA t-shirt. Also at the end of 'Starvin Marvin in space', the song is 'I am Chewbacca' by DVDA.
17. Chef's Voice, Isaac Hayes, doesn't write Chef's songs in the Show
No, Legendary Soul Singer Isaac Hayes, who provide's chef's voice, doesn't write Chef's Saucy songs, Trey does. Trey studied music in college.
18. Chocolate salty balls nearly got banned from the airwaves
Radio stations around the world were going absolutely bonkers over the level of Obscenity. Some states even wanted a ban on the song being played publically (although it didnt happen). Matt fought back, saying "This is the end of Democracy as we know it. The lyrics are only as dirty as your mind makes them." Although there are some Sexual references, Matt does have a point, as in the Videoclip (and South Park) he is NOT asking for people to go anywhere near his genitalia, he is just trying to sell his Chocolate candy!
19. Traces of Matt and Trey's sisters are featured in the show
Matt's real life older sister is in a Framed photo in Cartman's house in the first episode of South Park. And also, like Stan, Trey has an older sister called Shelley who once wore dental headgear on her face and used to have a serious perchant for bashing her little brother!
20. Wendy Testaburger was based on Trey's former fiancee!
Wendy Testaburger was based on Trey's High School Sweetheart Lianne, who he asked to marry him, in which she said 'yes', and not long before the wedding, Trey found out she was having an affair (tsk tsk).
21. He was still pissed off, so he named things after her...
Ever seen 'Cannibal! The musical'? In the movie, which was writted, directed, and acted out, by Trey, he had a horse named Lianne, which was also the name of his former fiancee (see above). I saw Cannibal The Musical on SBS a few weeks ago after South Park, and yes, he did have a horse named lianne! And he named South Park's Resident Crack-whore, hemaphroditic Slut, Lianne Cartman, after her too!