Welcome to our Humble Sounds Page. The available sounds here include Episode Quotes, Songs From South Park, and other assorted crap. All of the Sounds here are in standard WAV format, if you have Windows 3.1 or above, they Should work fine :) I'm the first to admit it, we're not exactly the beef-cake sound archive.. i'm too busy to have to maintain a huge Sounds Page. If you want tonnes more episode sounds, we reccomend you check out Beef-Cake.
101: Cartman Gets an Anal Probe
"I Think you Should ask Mr Hat" (36KB)
"I'm gonna make love to ya woman" (102KB)
"Oh my god! They Killed Kenny! You bastards!" (42KB)
102: Weight Gain 4000
"Cartman, your such a fat ass, that when you walk down the street, people go 'God Dammit! That's a big fat ass!" (42KB)
103: Volcano
"It's coming right for us!" (47KB)
"My mom says there's alot of black people in africa..." (31KB)
"No nephew of mine is gonna be a tree-hugger!" (16KB)
"Yeah hippie! Go back to woodstock if you can't shoot anything!" (131KB)
104: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boatride
"Oh my god! What is he doing to my dog!" (35KB)
"And over here we have gay lion... Rawwr!" (21KB)
"hut hut hut hut... HIKE THE DAMN BALL!" (78KB)
105: An elephant makes love to a pig
"Now i know how all those white women must've felt..." (40KB)
"...Oh well, then i guess you get an F" (65KB)
106: Death
"Oh no phillip, looks like your about to fart..." (68KB)
"I would never kill somebody, not unless they piss me off!" (268KB)
107: Pink Eye
"AAH! God damn, that little turd bit me! / Me too!" (47KB)
"Isn't it cool? / No its not cool!" (17KB)
"Are you crazy? I'm the Candy Master!" (74KB)
108: Damien
"That is one FUDGED UP little cracker!" (28KB)
"What's your name again? DAMIEN! ...Say hi to Damien!" (69KB)
109: Starvin' Marvin
"Shut up buttpirate, i'm trying to hear!" (20KB)
"But that's okay, remember there are no stupid questions, just stupid people" (88KB)
"Why is your family poor starvin marvin? Is your dad an alcoholic too?" (27KB)
110: Mr Hankey, the Christmas Poo
"And i'm sick and tired of those little flaps on coffee lids!" (20KB)
"How about we sing 'Kyle's mom is a Stupid Bitch' in D Minor?" (540KB)
"Santa Claus is on his way, loading goodies on his sleigh, drop em off on Christmas day, and i say HOWDY HO!" (62KB)
111: Tom's Rhinoplasty
"Oh, um, I got Ms Ellen a Chocolate pie but I, left it at home" (50KB)
"Oh, and uh wendy, we just got a call in the office, your grandma just died" (53KB)
"I tell you Mr Hat, Being Hot and Sexy is fun for a while, but it sure does get boring" (63KB)
112: Mecha Streisand
"Well you ain't Fiona Apple, and if ya ain't Fiona Apple, I don't give a rat's ass!" (97KB)
"Well, I'll be a teenage Girl Backstage on an Aerosmith Concert... Leonard Maltin in MY Cafeteria! I'm Chef" (119KB)
"I'm not talking to you you PISSANT LITTLE HICK!" (64KB)
"Oh, Hello there little boy. Do you know who I am? I bet you do! [continues on to song] " (152KB)
113: Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut
"I am so.. pissed off.. right now!" (76KB)
"Oh my god! I'm a Black African American!" (61KB)
"Women don't get pregnant from Tongue Kissing, Children." (37KB)
South Park Songs
South Park Theme (0.1MB)
Kyle's Mom is a Stupid Bitch (0.5MB)
Chocolate Salty Balls (0.9MB)
Mephesto and Kevin (3.4MB)
Mentally Dull: The Southpark Remix (2.1MB)
Nowhere to Run (1.0MB)
Kenny's Dead (0.6MB)
Come Sail Away (0.7MB)
Bubblegoose (1.7MB)