This is the Character Profile Section! Basically, if you don't know what a South Park character profile is (ahem), it is detailed information on a character from South Park. :) All of the pictures were drawn by myself, click them for a LARGER view! :)
Kyle Browflovski: Kyle
is the little Jewish Kid with the green
hat flaps. All of the other boys make fun
of Kyle because of his Jewish background,
especially Cartman, and Kyle gets pissed
off at him quickly. His Dad is a Lawyer,
is Mom is South Park's Resident bitch,
and he has a cool baby bro named Ike, as
in 'Kick da baby!'

Kenny McCormick: Kenny
is the Poor Kid with the orange parka who
has a habit of Dying in every episode of
South Park. He has a dirty little potty
mouth, but we can't hear his voice too
well because his hood covers his mouth
and muffles his voice.

Stan Marsh: Considered the
'natural leader' of the four boys and the
most normal in his group. Stan is madly
in love with Wendy testaburger, but he
throws up everytime she talks to him. He
has a gay dog named Sparky, an older
sister who has a serious perchant for
beating him up, and a 102 year old
Grandpa who wants Stan to kill him as soon as possible!

Eric Cartman: Cartman
is South Park's Resident Fatass
Loudmouth, and being a Fatass Loudmouth
at the mercy of his Friend's cruel
remarks, he's turned his hurt to rage,
taking the piss out on everyone else,
Kyle for being Jewish, Stan from Puking
whenever Wendy talks to him, and Kenny
for Being poor.