Matt stone & Trey Parker, the creators of South Park, have added little secrets in every single episode of South Park! You may not have noticed them, but they are there. Here is a short list of secrets that have been compiled by us, with the help of eagle eyed fans who have submitted their spottings. If you wish to submit something that isn't in here, please email me and i'll post your name and email address as well as your spotting here on this page :)
The Spirit of Christmas Short
-In the Fierce battle between Jesus & Santa Claus, the Music in the Background is taken From the hit video game, Mortal Kombat 3.
-The 'Visit Santa!' stand that santa is sitting on in the town can also be seen in #110: Mr Hankey The Christmas Poo.
-Also, the little girl sitting on Santa's lap looks uncannily similar to Wendy Testaburger.
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
-When Stan is singing, the deer jump over the log and one of them pees on the log. Stan sings "Oh the snow's pure and white." and then picks up the yellow snow. Thanks to Burls for submitting this.
-Take a look at some of the anti-drug posters in the background before and during Mr Mackey's song, 'It's Easy, M'kay'. They include 'If you're on Heroin, you're no Heroine', 'Get High on Pottery', 'This is your brain on drugs, and that's no yolk', and 'Nope to Dope!'
-Did you spot the hidden Characters in the film? I probably haven't come close to finding them all, but here are the ones I found. Damien (#108) was seen next to Stan in the Movie Theatre the 2nd time they saw the film, and Jesus was spotted marching with the Army Troops before Kyle hides Ike in the attic. Mr Hankey can be spotted in two places in the film, firstly at the bottom of the screen when the salt falls on Kenny (thanks Michaela) and secondly during the reprise of Mountain town during the end, where Mr Hankey can be seen in front of Mephesto's legs, holding hands with 2 soldiers (thanks to Michael Barraco).
-According to the signs, Heaven's population sits on 1656, while Hell's population is 923,565,421,000 and rising by the millisecond.
-After Liane tucks Eric into bed and had left the room, Cartman grabs his backpack, and for a split-second, you can see a framed photo of a Visitor on his bedside draws. Submitted by Michael Taylor. :) 
-There has been controversy over who sung the song 'Hell isn't Good' during the movie on Kenny's Way to Hell. Despite the fact that there was no mention of it in the credits, It was Metallica Frontman James Hetfield who provided the vocals for the song, as he stated on Metallica's Website. Vinnie from #beefcake was the guy who found this out.
-In the 2nd bedroom scene in Hell with Satan and Saddam, Satan is reading a book titled 'Saddam is from mars, Satan is from venus'. Thanks to Amy for sending that in! 
-If you ever saw the Movie Trailers to SP:BLU, you would have seen the part with Mr Mackey saying 'Young man, did you say the 'Q' Word?!' Unlike the rest of the trailer, this never appeared in the actual movie. 
#101 Cartman Gets an Anal Probe
-Matt Stone's Real-Life Older sister, Rachel, is in a Framed Photo in Cartman's House.
-Mr Hat Appears with no eyes above his Hat Rim in this episode, but in every episode, his eyes are there.
#102 WeightGain 4000
-In most episodes, when chef asks how the Boys are doing, they answer 'Bad', then he asks 'Why Bad?' But, in this episode, they answer 'Good'.
-When Wendy Sneaks into Mr Garrison's teacher file and checks for Cartman's Essay, her gloves are on, but when she reads his essay out loud, her Gloves are off. Submitted by Tom.
-The building that Mr Garrison was about to shoot from was a reference to the Book Depository in Dallas, TX, in which (according to Popular theory) Lee-Harvey Oswald shot & Killed President John F. Kennedy from.
-If you are a Star Wars Fan, listen out for Mr Garrison's quote "It is too late for me, Young Wendy", Which is a Variation of Darth Vader's Famous line from Episode 6 : Return of the Jedi.
#103 Volcano
-When cartman tells the story of Scuzzlebutt, he says that he has a Stick of Celery on his Left Arm, but when they meet Skuzzlebutt, the Celery is actually on his right arm!
-When ned was about to Kill Scuzzlebutt, he discovered that he was out of Ammo, but later, he drops his gun and Kills Kenny!
#104 Big gay Al's Big Gay Boatride
-A bit of a Blunder here... Kyle's Football Jersey alternates between the numbers 12 and 14. Whoops!
-Kenny's Football jersey number is 13 (the number of ill luck), but when he catches the ball and makes a run before his death, the announcer says he is number 23 instead. Submitted by Tom.
-The sports bar that Jimbo & Ned visited was tiny on the outside, but Huge on the inside!
-The song playing in the closing credits was performed by Trey Parker's band DVDA for the film Orgazmo, titled 'Now you're a man'. Submitted by the almighty God. :) 
#106 Death
-In whats seemingly becoming a Family tradition, Mr McCormick, Kenny's Dad, is the first South Park Person to Kill himself by being hurled into the Toon Central Building. Like Father, like son!
#107 Pinkeye
-Take a close look at the opening Credits. There are heaps of new Halloween References in the beginning. They include Cartman's Mom in a Witches Hat, Stan with a Jack-o-Lantern head, Death Driving Chef's Station Wagon, the Mayor and Her assistants stirring a Cauldron, Les Claypool as a Skeleton, the Elementary School representing a Haunted House, the South Park Sign being a Tombstone, and a Vampire Bat hitting the Sign instead of Ike!
#108 Damien
-When the evil kid Damien is about to use his powers to do something evil, they show a close up of his face. While this is happening, listen Carefully, and you can make out the Chanting of the words 'Rectus Dominus!' Incase you didn't know, Rectus dominus is latin for 'Ass Master'.
-Cartman stated to Stan that he was to buy him the Green Megaman for his Birthday party. However, Stan bought Cartman the Blue Megaman instead. Credits to Candy for submitting this :)
-When Mr Garrison is introducing the evil son-of-satan Damien, your can spot on the blackboard, and also at the back of the room, the number 666, which is the number of the devil. Thanks to puck@gateway.net :)
-The Character, Craig, makes his first ever appearance in this episode. He is the Kid with the blue jacket and blue ear-flaps, and he can be spotted on the ferris wheel when cartman goes psycho at his party. Craig doesn't actually play a role in the plot of an episode until ep. 301, where he is introduced as the kid who keeps 'Flippin people off' (hehe) :) Credits to jonchoo@metallica.com for spotting him!
#109 Starvin' Marvin
-Remember back to the Volcano Episode? At the end of it, Ned says that he'd never shoot a gun again after seeing Stan shoot Scuzzlebutt. Well, Ned broke his promise! He used a gun to shoot the Thanksgiving turkeys!
#110 Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo
-When Kyle shows Mr Hankey to the boys at the bus stop, you can easily make out Kenny saying "That is the sickest thing I have ever f*cking seen!"
-When the screen shows the door to Counsellor Mackey's office, you can spot the character with blue ear-flaps (later to be named Craig in Ep. 301) sitting outside his office! Well, Mr Mackey DID say in Ep 301 that Craig got sent there every day!
-Here's just a little observation from when the town comes to free Kyle from the mental hospital. When Mr Hankey tells him that he's brought some friends, he jumps up to the window and sees the townspeople, but how could he have jumped to the height of little cell window in a Straint Jacket?
#111 Tom's Rhinoplasty
-Look closely in the Classroom Scenes. There are visitors (or Aliens, whetever you wanna call 'em) hiding inside the Alien Drawings at the back of the Room, because they blink their eyes! I am pretty sure that every episode of South Park has at least 1 Visitor in it..
-Wendy comes to school in her leather outfit, but in a scene where it shows the entire classroom, she is back in her original clothes! Submitted by kirstypepper@one.net.au.
-When the boys ask what Cartman got for Ms Ellen, Cartman says "I got Ms Ellen a Chocolate Pie, but uh, I left it at home..." while he has chocolate stains on his cheek! Also, while wendy asks Ms Ellen about undergarments, cartman stuffs the rest of the pie into his mouth!
#112 Mecha Streisand
-The Picture that Cartman Knocks over when he is stealing Kyle's Triangle is of Kyle's Mail-Order Elephant from the earlier episode 'An Elephant Makes love to a Pig'.
-This Episode is a tribute to the Japanese Godzilla-Style movies of the 1960's. Besides Mecha-Streisand herself, Here are some examples:
-Does the giant turtle (Sidney Pontier) look familiar? Probably not, but it was a reference to the old Japanese monster film called Gamira.
-The Japanese Man singing during the fight was a reference to another Japanese monster film called Kappa. Huge thanks to my Godzilla-obsessed friend Tim Brown for telling me aboot that :)
#113 Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut
-Every time that Ms Cartman Falls in love at the Drunken Barn Dance, the Music in the Background is a Rip-off of Celine Dion's 'My Heart will go on'.
-In the scene where Kyle, Kenny, Stan, and his grandpa are watching TV, one of the commercials that you can hear is Sally Struthers asking people to sponsor a child, as seen in #108 Starvin Marvin. Thanks to Amy for submitting this. :)
Season 2 introduction
Did you spot all the new things in thenew opening credits for the Season 2 episodes? They included Mr Hankey hitting the Sign instead of Ike,
Big Gay Al standing next to Ms Cartman,
Damien on the School Bus,
Kevin 'the little monkey guy' in the back of Chef's Station Wagon,
Skuzzlebutt hiding Behind the South Park Sign,
Mt. Evanson (the Volcano) erupting in the background,
Killer turkeys chasing Cartman's Pig Fluffy,
Death touching Kenny,
Starvin' Marvin in the Back of Barbrady's Police Car,
Terrance & Phillip floating Mid-Air in Spacesuits,
and Mecha Streisand is Destroying the town in the Background
#201 Not without my anus
-When Terrance & Phillip are in Iran, you can See a market store to the Right of the Screen selling South Park T-shirts.
-Also, a Visitor has been spotted in the scene in Iran where they find sally. Look to the left, and you'll see a visitor standing next to a man.
#202 Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut
-When Mephesto is shot, you can hear Kenny mumble "Oh my god, they killed Mephesto!", the line which usually said about him.
-A visitor is spotted in the room filled with people who made love to Ms Cartman, awaiting the DNA test results.
-Which means that Ms Cartman made love to a Visitor!
#203 Chickenlover
-Cartman pulled over Stan's dad for doing over the 40 mph speed limit! If cartman can ride his TRICYCLE at 40 miles an hour to catch up with the car, then he should consider trying out for the Olympic Cycling team!
#204 Ike's Wee Wee
-When the marijuana goes missing, Mr Garrison is spotted at home smoking it and watching teletubbies, as are the 2 hippies later on.
-When Mr Mackey is making his speech about drugs at the end, Kenny is sitting at his desk when he's already died! This was submitted by mayofamily@freeuk.net.
#205 Conjoined Fetus Lady
-When Kyle's Mom is showing the boys the book called Freaks A-Z, she turns to the page, and the 'Siamese twins' shown are actually Michael NeSmith and Mickey Dolenz from The Monkees!
#206 Mexican Staring frog of Southern Sri Lanka
-In the first of the boys' home videos to send in to jimbo and Ned, Cartman (dressed as an old lady) is filmed falling backwards after seeing the frog. But when Jimbo and ned play the tape on the show, cartman is shown falling sideways instead of falling forward.
#208 Summer Sucks
-At the beginning of this episode there was a 'boy missing' poster at the back of the classroom. As soon as the snow melted, the little boy was found by his parents.
-Also notice that the poster says 'Missing: John' but when they find the boy, his name is Kevin! Credits to mayofamily@freeuk.net for spotting it!
-That means there are 4 Kevins in South Park! The boy with Chinese parents on he Dodgeball team is called Kevin, Mephesto's little monkey friend is called Kevin, The lost boy in the 'Summer Sucks' episode was called Kevin, and in this episode, Kenny's Brother is called Kevin! Once again, thanks to mayofamily@freeuk.net for submitting that!
#209 Chef's Salty Chocolate Balls
-Fred Savage was spotted in the audience for the first film of the festival. The weird thing is, he didn't arrive by limo until after the first movie finished.
#211 Roger Ebert Should Lay Off The Fatty Foods
-While Dr Adams is standing outside the Planetarium, you can see a latin phrase written above the doorway. The phrase reads, "Me Transmitte sursum, Caledoni!" When translated, it reads "BEAM ME UP, SCOTTY!" This is one of the many classic Star Trek references in this episode.
-This episode's storyline was actually based on an episode of Star Trek titled 'Dagger of the Mind'. Instead of Dr Adams, there is an Evil doctor who is using a machine to empty the mind of inmates. After he kidnaps Captain Kirk, Spock saves him, and the evil doctor gets a full dose of his mind emptier. Just as cartman saves Stan, Kyle, Mr Mackey and Principal victoria from Dr Adams, who then gets a full dose of His mind emptier!
-The shape of a visitor can be made out in the shape of the buttons on the machine! Look to the left of cartman at the end after his mom says for him not to pick his nose!
#301 Rainforest Schmainforest
-After cartman goes off and splits with the group in the Rainforest, in one shot, you can still see cartman behind Kyle, even though he is supposed to be gone! A big thanks to kirstypepper@one.net.au for spotting that.
-This episode was the first appearance of Craig as a character, but you can spot him as a background character in alot of earlier episodes.
#306 Sexual Harassment Panda
-Those blokes at the bar don't seem to take kindly to anybody! Heres the thing: They do their 'don't take kindly' thing to the woman who they call 'Beautiful lady'. The woman was the same one as was featured in 109: Starvin Marvin. She was the one who thought everything was beautiful, and her boyfriend following it up with 'not as beautiful as you!'
-Continuing on from the last one, heres the weird thing. In Episode 109 where the woman and her boyfriend feature, they were both killed and eaten by mutant turkeys, yet she appears here in this episode ALIVE! Perhaps Kenny and His Dad aren't the only people in South Park who can come back to life!
-The Sexual Harassment Panda's muffled song goes something like this:
And, Who lives in the east near the Willow tree?
Sexual Harassment, Panda!
Who teaches Harassment to you and me?
Sexual Harassment, Panda!
Don't do that, don't touch there,
Don't say that, says the silly old bear!
He's come to teach you what's right and wrong,
Sexual Harassment, Panda!
#307 Cat Orgy
-Notice how in every episode featuring Kitty, cartman refers to her as a 'he', but everybody else, like Cartman's mom, refers to her as a she. I think that Cartman's mom is right, because i've never heard of a male cat in heat!
#308 Two Guys in a Hot Tub
-The painting on the wall in Mr Mackey's Bedroom is 'The Scream' which was paited by Norwegian Expressionist Painter Edvard Munch.
-A stuff-up here. When the ATF wheel in the 'Negotiator', the writing on the side is white, but later, when they are ready to shoot, the writing is red!
-When stan is watching the TV, he quickly flicks through these shows: A cooking show with Chef, a home shopping network, a waterfall documentary, The Conan O'brien Show with The Mole as a guest, and the Weightgain4000 Beef-cake commercial!
-We find out alot more about Butters in this episode. This is the first time he's played an active role in the plot. He was spotted in a few earlier episodes such as Episode 108, but this is the first time we've heard him talk. His first name s Jim, but i'm not sure what his last name is. Jim Butters, maybe? Now thats a bit of a funny name. :P
#310 Chinpoko Mon
-After the parents finally find out how to stop the Chinpoko mon craze, Mrs Marsh says "tell every parent in the country how to bring those Sons of Bitchs down!" This was an obvious reference to the president's quote in the movie 'Independance Day' after they found out how to stop the alien ships.
-At Chinpokomon headquarters in Japan, the large control panel TV device that drops down is made by 'Suny'.
-When the gang enter the Chinpoko mon camp, they find a standing position in front of Craig, Tweek and Bebe, but when it flashes the camera on them again, Craig, Tweek and Bebe are gone, and there is a totally new bunch of people standing behind them.
-The Lamb Chinpokomon with the metal thing on its hand was apparently called Lambtron. Although at the beginning during the TV ad for the chinpokomon dolls, they call him 'lambtor' instead.
-Kenny had a seizure near the beginning of the episode (which apparently killed him) yet when they showed him in the classroom, he eyes turned Japanese and he was moving around and talking japanese along with the other kids at one point.
-And just incase you didn't know, the phrase 'Chinpoko mon' actually means "Small Penis man" in Japanese.
#313 Hooked on Monkey Fonics
-At the party, Mark's Dad pulls the plug on the power, which cuts off the power to Ronnie James Dio's microphone and instruments from playing. However, a few seconds after, when Mark grabs the microphone and speaks into it, the microphone is working.
-The song playing on the first scene of the party is Chef's original version of the song 'Stinky Britches' from Ep. 214: Chef Aid. Also, thanks to Jeff for correcting a mistake I made with this spot-this. :)
#314 The Red Badge of Gayness
-When Mr Garrison says "I'm supposed to be at work today", Kenny's Dad says "Yeah, me too!" Has Kenny's Dad FINALLY found a Job? :)
-There is a slight stuff-up in the re-inactment scenes. At one point, Kyle is playing the flute, and in the next scene, he's magically playing the drums. Two drums (Kenny has a drum too) and no flute doesn't exactly add up to a fife-and-drum squad does it? :) Submitted by Jesus.
-When Butters comes off the Coach at the bus stop to deliver a message to Stan and Kyle, he addresses his last name as 'Swanson', meaning that his full name is Jim Swanson, aka 'Butters'. Thanks to Mike B for sending this in! 
-Grandpa Marsh makes his 3rd appearance in a South Park episode. He first appeared in episode 106, where he was unsuccessful in killing himself. He said he'd take a trip to africa so that a lion could eat him, but he still seems to be alive. Maybe the lions didn't find him tasty enough :)
#316 Are you there God, its me Jesus
-A bit of a Fudge-up here. When Mephesto gives Stan the hormone pills, the jar says 'One Tablet Daily'. But when stan takes a look at the container later on, it says one tablet weekly.
-The news reporter says that if Jesus comes out and doesn't see a shadow, the next thousand years will be filled with love and peace. This is an obvious reference to the Movie and event, Groundhog Day!
-The news caption picture of the Virus which made some kids bleed out their ass, which was during the news report near the beginning, was the same x-ray as the one during the Mr Hankey The Christmas poo song in episode 315.
#404 Timmy 2000
-Does that guy in selling the lemonade in which chef intends to put the Ritalout in look familiar? Why, it's Mr Derp! You might remember him as Chef's sucky replacement in #303 Chef's Mama. Derp! Credit to Jesus for sending that in. :)